NEWS 28 Feb 08

Hello friends,  Judy and I live in Melbourne, Australia. In many ways it is a microcosm of western societies – with a population of 3.7 million of over 140 different nationalities, with 160 languages spoken in homes, 50,000 overseas students, and 15,000 indigenous people. It is projected that there will be at least a further… Continue reading

NEWS 21 Dec 07

Hello Planters,  It is many weeks since the last Church Planting News. These have been busy months. In October/November, Judy and I visited church planters and planting projects in Belgium, France and Switzerland – and also spent a few days with friends in the UK. This NEWS is a series of very short stories. You… Continue reading

NEWS 01 Sept 07

Hello Planters,  Many have sent news items in the last few days. Some items are now on (where we have also added a page for Seminars & Conferences) – but here are more ideas, links and encouragement!   Your stories encourage others! Every time a CHURCH PLANTING NEWS goes out, I hear from Olga Murga…. Continue reading